Digital Gardalanding

Digital Gardalanding

10. Parco Catullo

Parco Catullo

Now enter the green Parco Catullo, which in the medieval period was known as Trans Mincio. During the Middle Ages, this park was used for growing vegetables to sustain life within the fortress. In front of you, you can see…

9. Porta Verona

Porta Verona

Entering the passageway and stepping outside the fortress for about ten meters, turn your gaze to the imposing facade of the gate. You can admire the central spot on the gate where the effigy of the Venetian Lion of St.…

4. Ponte dei Voltoni

Ponte dei Voltoni

The Ponte dei Voltoni, recognizable by its distinctive five arches, was built in 1556. The construction was overseen by the Venetian Provveditore Iacobo Gauro, whose memorial plaque can still be seen today on the facade of a house on Via…

1. Porta Brescia

Begin your visit from the parking lot west of the fortress (P3 Porta Brescia Parking), near Porta Brescia. Porta Brescia, also known as the “country gate,” was the rural access to the fortress. Its simple and compact architecture is typical…