7. Bastione San Marco

When you enter the courtyard of the Artillery Barracks, on the left, a flight of stairs will lead you to the Bastione San Marco. Built in 1553, it is the second bastion of the Venetian pentagonal fortress and is still perfect in its military technical structures. Walking along the parapet of the bastion (along the edge), you can reach the walkway above Porta Verona: a strategic vantage point for monitoring the eastern front of the fortress.

Continuing on foot along the parapet, you can admire the southern side. This was the main front during every siege in the Napoleonic and Risorgimento wars endured by Peschiera. In front of you, you can see the bridge reconstructed after the bombings of 1944, which now connects the stretch of the Milan-Venice railway.

You can also notice the rear side of the Ponte dei Voltoni and the wall of the Venetian fortress, extending to the far side where the Bastione Cantarane stands.

Exiting the courtyard, immediately to the right, you enter Porta Verona, but first, move aside to admire the southern view of the fortress.

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