16. Bastione Feltrin

In the western part of the fortress lies the Bastione Feltrin, which was the first to be built. Although slightly concealed from the city center, you can see it clearly from the bridge of Porta Brescia.

You’ll notice that a section of the bastion is missing. In 1934, a portion of the structure collapsed during maintenance work on the canal (visible in the image). As a result, restoration work was undertaken and the remaining wall was reinforced. The canal was drained, and restoration efforts began. However, rebuilding the collapsed walls proved to be prohibitively expensive from the outset, so the decision was made to reinforce the structure without reconstructing the original wall.

In place of the collapsed wall, several terraces were built, formed from the embankment around the walls. In the Museum of Fishing and Local Traditions, you can see photos depicting the bastion before and after the collapse.

The Bastione Feltrin marks the conclusion of the guided tour.

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