2. Palazzo Provveditore and Piazza San Marco
The Palazzo del Provveditore is located in the heart of the historic centre of Peschiera del Garda, near the Canale di Mezzo. Originally, the palace housed the Venetian patricians appointed by the Republic of Venice, who exercised their power here as Governors of the Fortress. Later, the building became the town hall of Peschiera del Garda and the headquarters of the Guardia di Finanza.
In front of the palace is Piazzetta San Marco, adorned with two 16th-century obelisks that frame the small space in front of the Canale di Mezzo.
Continue straight along the Canale di Mezzo to admire the Padiglione degli Ufficiali and then arrive at Piazza Ferdinando di Savoia.